Interesting read. I had no idea that AppleWorks came before ClarisWorks before returning, nor did I know about the relation between AppleWorks and Microsoft Works. This article came at the right time! I just recently started using AppleWorks 6 a little while back on my G3 Mac, and actually just installed Works 2001 on my Windows 2000 machine yesterday. I grew up with Office 97 -- and later, Office XP - so I'm pretty new to it, but I do like it. Also, I'm not sure if you've tried it, but AppleWorks 6 did have a Windows port, but it didn't seem quite as good as the Mac version.
Interesting read. I had no idea that AppleWorks came before ClarisWorks before returning, nor did I know about the relation between AppleWorks and Microsoft Works. This article came at the right time! I just recently started using AppleWorks 6 a little while back on my G3 Mac, and actually just installed Works 2001 on my Windows 2000 machine yesterday. I grew up with Office 97 -- and later, Office XP - so I'm pretty new to it, but I do like it. Also, I'm not sure if you've tried it, but AppleWorks 6 did have a Windows port, but it didn't seem quite as good as the Mac version.